Jason planned a birthday dinner for me and i thought it was only 4 of them.it surprised me bacause they popped out one by one infront of me when i was talking to the girls.
he said he just wants to make me cry :'(
the dinner reminded me of our High school life, our NOISY class.
Justina, she can laugh really Loud :p

Tiff, the always sexy and hot one for Jonathan! *LOL*

soo, tiff and i.

the girls

Jonathan, the one who bully me the most. and he is good in talking CRAP! -,-

Jiawen, he says he will be there for me whenever i sad. but he dont really tell me his problem when he is moody. (you have to changeee -,-)

thank you, for coming around ♥ ♥
for Jason, you really surprised me and thank you for being my part time driver for so long. i just realize i dont have a photo with you, HOW COME?? D;