they celebrated with me 2 days before my birthday because i had to study for my perdagangan :(
a very thank you to my eldest sister for this, i thought you guys have forgotten about my birthday :'(
i kept on telling mr.crapp "他们一定不记得我的生日liao" with my crying face everyday before the week hahah.
we went to d'italiane kitchen @ Giza.
i never heard of this restoran before until my 2nd sister asked for ther =_=
yessss i know, amma SAKAI. *don't laugh*
mr.crapp came to pick me up like usual, due to my sister and my slowness so he waited us at downstairs with my mum.
he talked damn alot to her, SO BRAVEEE YOU i like hahaha.
i know he must feeling very nervous, as a girlfriend i should have get ready faster and go down to accompany him.
but guess what?
i never do that, i left him alone with my mum heh :) *wink*
im so BAD i know, he is gonna kill me if he read this.
it was an unforgettable night for him because that was the first time he drove my mum along.
he was so quiet in the car, dare not to play with me and he stopped his sam-pat-ness
and he dare not to hold my hand in the car like what he usually do,
okay stop with that.
so we reached there at 8 something, i remember i was so HUNGRAY that night,
nah, the menu.
hungry hungryyy, "i feel like eating everythinggg", i told him.
.our foods.
Daaa dang.
they suprised me with Baskin Robbins Ice-cream cake.
my boyfriend again.
the ice cream cake, HARD LIKE A ROCK.
look at them,
and of couseeee, AM JUST JOKINGGG!
went home straight after dinner. with my full stomach :)
i don't wanna open my present from my sister cheryl yet after i went home,
then mr.crapp was like, Ehh open laaaa, why don't you open and seeee??
i got Coach bag for my present.
nah the last picture,
he asked me why i never post this up.
so yeaaa, SPOT his CACATED leg. yesss, CACATED LEG!
that's all for my early birthday dinner.
Again, thank you for my sisters and also mr.edmond and mr.jerry.
they were actually busying with their work that day, but still they made it for me.
awww, i feel the sweet from everyone of you.
and also my boyfriend and mummy :)
thank you.
oh ya, that was the very First Time my mum dinner with 3 of her daughers and also the boyfriend together :)
what a special dinner for us? :)
okay people,wait for my 2nd birthday post heh.
i might just upload the pictures for that day :)
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